Mevi Smart Contracts are the fastest and easiest way to create, fill, and sign real estate transaction documents. With just a few clicks, our intuitive technology guides you through creating offers and other state-approved forms and disclosures. Plus, documents can be managed and signed from any device, saving you valuable time.
Key Features
- State-approved Forms and Disclosures
- Create and Review Offers
- Comments and Revisions
- PDF Generation
- Electronic Signatures*
- Custom Templates
- Pre-written Clauses
- Branded Contracts
* Mevi electronic signatures are AATL (Adobe Approved Trust List) certified by Entrust.
- Currently, Mevi Smart Contracts are available in Colorado with all DORA state-approved approved forms.
- Coming soon, Mevi will introduce Smart Contracts technology in 19 additional states with state commission-approved forms and disclosures.
Colorado Forms